Inspired by Edinburgh’s festival spirit and history of innovation, Talonmore was created to provide an exceptional alcohol-free drink of choice that can be enjoyed without compromising health, control and taste.
Using brewing methods of manufacture, rather than distilling, we have developed a unique beverage that ensures flavour is at the forefront, replicating the experience of drinking a dark spirit. Talonmore can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, with a mixer or in a multitude of non-alcoholic cocktails.
With over 8 million adults in the UK looking to reduce their alcohol intake, Talonmore was designed to shake up the non-alcoholic drinks market through championing the adventurous lifestyle that could normally be sacrificed with traditional alcohol. Talonmore offers choice; creating foundations for sophisticated adventurers who want to celebrate climbing to the peak of a mountain in style, drivers who want to make the most of their roadtrip or professionals having the perfect serve for a midweek social gathering.
Our Brand Name
The Talonmore name derives from the strength of an eagle and its touch point with the land’s natural ingredients. Our mascot eagle’s head symbolises power and freedom, complementing our strap-line, “Dare to Explore” and influencing our brand. You can discover more about the featured Scottish landmarks on our bottle by visiting the shop link.
Talonmore Founders
Talonmore is a family-run business based in Edinburgh, Scotland (from left to right, Fraser, Julie and Lewis Kennedy)
Our Ingredients
Talonmore is 0% ABV and brewed with Scottish water. The key superfoods; ginger, prickly pear, hawthorn berry and Assam tea have recognised health benefits in their own right, and when combined together offer a full bodied, fiery taste that replicates the pleasant burn of alcohol.